- Historical data analysis/assessment
- Target identification
- Strategic exploration planning and recommendations
- Project design and budgeting
- Project implementation
- Project Management
- Logistics
- Community engagement
- Tenure management
- Permit and license acquisition
- Data management
- Technical report writing (target book, press release, assessment report and NI 43-101 technical report)
- Prospecting
- Geologic mapping
- Geochemical sampling (rock, soil, till)
- Drill program management (core logging, core teching, pad clearing, hole location marking)
- Geophysical surveys (I.P., Overhauser Walking MAG, Beep Mat EM/MAG)
- Backpack diamond drilling
- Field data management
- Camp management
- Ground truthing
- Line marking and cutting
- Geological modelling and interpretation
- Drillhole map, plan and section plotting
- GIS for project planning
- Field program mapping
- Report mapping to gov't standards (asessment report, 43-101 technical report)
- GIS analysis
- Digitization of historical geographic or tabular data
- Geostatistics
- Satellite/aerial image acquisition